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Most recent posting below. Other articles listed at the bottom of the page.

Consumer Reports Ranks Hunterdon Medical Center Among the Top Five Hospitals In New Jersey for Patient Safety

Keeping patients safe is something hospitals take very seriously.  Hunterdon Medical Center was recently ranked among the top 5 hospitals in New Jersey for patient safety in Consumer Reports. 


According to Consumer Reports, Hunterdon Medical Center scored better than most hospitals in the overall patient experience, doctor and patient communication, nurse and patient communication, pain control, help from hospital staff, room cleanliness, using electronic health records, appropriate use of abdominal and chest scanning. 


Hunterdon Medical Center has many excellent patient safety programs in place to ensure safe care. Just a few examples are: The Surgical Safety Checklist, as recommended by the World Health Organization, to ensure “right patient, right side, right surgery”100% of the time, following all the National Patient Safety Goals, preventing infections, team skills training to improve communication among caregivers, which includes briefings and debriefings before and after procedures and safe medication technology to prevent medication errors.


In addition, Hunterdon Healthcare was honored with an “A” Hospital Safety ScoreSM by The Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit run by employers and other large purchasers of health benefits. The Hospital Safety ScoreSM was calculated under the guidance of The Leapfrog Group’s Blue Ribbon Expert Panel using publicly available data on patient injuries, medical and medication errors, and infections.U.S. hospitals were assigned an A, B, C, D, or F for their safety.

GSWS honors Marge Chavooshian


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